10 Sept 2016


The ancient rishis had emphasised that there existed a God who destroys the universe at the end, and that God was Shiva.
No one really understood why God would need to destroy the universe, yet horror stories abounded about how Shiva would always signal the end of time for each creation.
Though this was a little strange, because surely no one would have seen the end of a universe and lived to tell about it!
Yet, graphic details about the divine holocaust were chanted in fervent whispers, as though etched in a collective memory.
Details of how Shiva literally snuffed out all life. It was whispered that He stomped His feet upon the earth in so furious a manner that it sent massive tremors through the cosmos, and that all this was a dance! The last dance called Tandav, that beginning always from Prithviloka, ended all things that had ever come into existence. Ending, as it were, existence itself; Tandav was dubbed as the dance of death.

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